With the goal of elevating your reputation, our strategic communications and public relations counsel is a core feature of our services and will always guide our evolution.


We now offer research, branding, marketing and other services to more comprehensively serve our partners by filling the gaps on your teams, supporting your most crucial initiatives and supporting your people through training activities and workshops.



Augment your team

  • Media relations (proactive and reactive) 
  • Crisis communications and issues management 
  • Brand rollout 
  • Message development 
  • Event planning 
  • Social media management and execution (paid and organic) 
  • Internal communications 
  • Video production 
  • Enrollment marketing
  • New: Custom GPT solutions
  • New: Generative AI training

Increase engagement

  • Change management 
  • Strategic counsel for senior leaders 
  • Thought leadership 
  • Interim leadership 
  • Board of trustees consulting

Drive revenue

  • On-camera media training 
  • Presentation Training 
  • Tabletop exercises for crisis and issues management 
  • Messaging and writing workshops